Augusta dry heat: Readers offer new words for that toasty feeling you get

2022-07-24 13:14:03 By : Mr. ydel ydel

"I see light at the end of a long tunnel."

I asked and you answered.

Last week I suggested we need a word or phrase to explain what to call the rather pleasant feeling you get when you step outside on a hot afternoon after "freezing" several hours inside a chilly, over-air-conditioned office.

I nominated "fake bake," "Sauna-Gram," or "brimstoning," but wasn't happy. Fortunately, you know better.

More Billy Kirby:Vacationers offer us glimpses of Michigan and Spain

And:Early morning home invasion includes dogs, a frog and a colander

Walter Schmidt said he would "advance further into the subject of naming the warm feeling one experiences upon leaving an overly cool building and entering the heat of the day with two candidates, DEFROSTATION, and TOASTATION, the excessive experience of either quickly leading to perspiration.

"Oh, this just occurred to me," he says, "DEICEFICATION, and I am sure any number more "tations" that might be hung on perfectly good existing words, limited only by one's imagination, or possible insanity.

"Hoping this is some assistance in your attempt to modernize the English language. Poor late Miss Ann Braddy, my senior English teacher at Richmond Academy is spinning in her grave over this one."

And Joy Sander wrote this: "After several attempts and equal amounts of eye rolls from my 17-year-old, this is what I came up with:

"Refridgeconvection – The pleasant but brief sensation of warmth felt when stepping into a summer parking lot after spending several hours in an over-cooled movie theater or a hyper-chilled office environment.

"Also, known as the CorningWare effect, (“From the freezer to the oven…”)

(Joy, I think your "CorningWare effect" is pretty good.)

VARMINTS IN THE HOUSE: Peggy Ludwick could relate to my story about an early morning visit from a frog that hopped inside when I was trying to put the dogs out.

"Reminds me of a gerbil that the teacher let our daughter take home for the weekend," she writes. "Well the gerbil got out of the cage and at that time we had a Dalmatian and it started after the gerbil.  

"The children and I were trying to catch the dog to keep it from eating the gerbil. We opened the front door then the back door, closing one and opening the other to catch one or the other. This mother was a wreck …," she says.

THANK YOUS: As some of you know, my favorite big league ballplayer is Charlie Culberson, the all-purpose infielder-outfielder and emergency relief pitcher, now with the Texas Rangers. He is a great guy and one of baseball's most popular teammates.

He previously was with the Braves, the Dodgers, the Rockies and the Giants. He even played for our GreenJackets early in his career (2008 and 2009) and married a local woman. Her uncle Robert and I often exchange e-mails after his games, and Robert was kind enough to send me an autographed Texas Rangers cap.

We had a family reunion on Sunday and I was proud to wear my cap and even prouder to point out Charlie had gone 2-for-2 the night before.

TODAY'S JOKE: "Listen," said the personnel director studying the job application, "you seem to be expecting a fairly high salary for someone with no experience."

"Well," said the young job applicant, "I figure the work is a lot harder when you don't know what you're doing."

Bill Kirby has reported, photographed and commented on life in Augusta and Georgia for 45 years.